Company Incorporation

Company incorporation is the process of legally forming a new company or business entity. It involves registering the company with the relevant government authorities, fulfilling legal requirements, and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to operate. 

IAC Support

The Articles of Incorporation

IAC prepares the necessary legal documents required for company incorporation. This typically includes the Articles of Incorporation or Memorandum and Articles of Association, which outline the company's purpose, ownership structure, share capital, and other key details. 

Business Licenses and Permits

IAC will identify and obtain the necessary licenses and permits required to operate your specific business activities. This may include general business licenses, industry-specific permits, health and safety certifications, or any other regulatory requirements applicable to your business. 

Directors and Officers

IAC will determine the individuals who will serve as directors and officers of the company. In some jurisdictions, minimum requirements may exist, such as a minimum number of directors or the need for resident directors. Ensure compliance with local regulations regarding the eligibility and responsibilities of directors and officers. 

Tax Identification Numbers

IAC will apply for tax identification numbers or employer identification numbers from the tax authority or revenue agency in your jurisdiction. This is necessary for tax compliance and reporting purposes.